Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sore Losers Deny Reality

   Choice cannot always change reality.
   Many devoted followers of Donald Trump refuse to accept the reality of a lost election, thus following their leader. But this choice contradicts the vote results in many states, all of which were certified as accurate by court rulings in some 60 jurisdictions.
   Meanwhile, their super-salesman leader uses this belief to raise money for himself under the guise of a continuing presidential campaign. It's not clear, however, whether these donations really do go to a political effort, or are lining the pockets of the contender.
   Soon enough, investigative reporters will dig up evidence of where the money is, adding to the task prosecutors face as they proceed with numerous court allegations of wrongdoing.
   And despite all the reports of questionable activities by the self-proclaimed "winner" of the last presidential election, thousands of believers flock to campaign rallies and contribute to their leader.
  Will it end when a court rules that his activities are illegal?
   Stay tuned.

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