Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Media Duties

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine and bombing of civilians there is getting major media coverage worldwide. Except for Russian media, news reports have been negative. Moscow has ordered only favorable coverage of the events, and there is no evidence that Russian television is showing pictures of the devastation at civilian areas in Ukraine. Western media, however, features this.
   The Ukrainian president spoke directly to the British Parliament via video link to London today. His speech was carried live by major news outlets, including the BBC and by DW, the German international outlet, as well as by CNN and MSNBC in the U.S.
   Solidarity with the Ukrainian people is being shown in many nations, but so far no sign of intervention. Putin, the Russian leader, has said any assistance will be deemed an act of war. That may be why they pause. Besides, Ukraine is not part of NATO, and it's not clear how or whether other nations could bring military assistance. Couple that with Putin's threat and it's clear why the delay.
   Meanwhile, U.S. media are not showing much of Donald Trump's doings, although some are showing remarks that could be interpreted as endorsing the Russian action in Ukraine. However, those remarks could also be considered attempts at sarcasm.
   But is he that smart? He could be making a joke of children being slaughtered, which would mean he's just plain stupid.

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