Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Power Play

   The Russian military invaded Ukraine last week, in an effort to quash the spirit of independence long part of the people's tradition.
   But the people resisted, even though the Ukrainian military is likely no match for the much larger Russian force. The difference, however, is that the Ukrainian people blocked the invading force wherever and however possible, the result being that the invaders had difficulty refueling their armored vehicles so far from the border.
   In addition, other nations cut off all trade and contact with Russia, isolating that nation and its people from banking, travel and many other international relationships. This included Switzerland, which has had a long tradition of neutrality in all things.
   So while NATO forces cannot intervene (unless Russian troops strike a NATO member), Ukraine is on its own -- militarily.
   But the total economic isolation put on Russia may be more effective.

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