Saturday, November 5, 2022

Lunar Vote

   There will be a full moon on Election Day.
   Many will insist it's only a coincidence, that a full moon has no effect on behavior.
   But an equal number of cops, bartenders, nursing home staff, emergency room personnel, journalism beat reporters, zoologists and others will say otherwise.
   Once is accidental, twice is a coincidence, and three times somewhat interesting, but 12 times every year is a pattern.
   It's no coincidence that the term "lunacy" is related to the word "lunar," meaning the moon, and that the medical diagnosis of "influenza" is derived from the Italian phrase "influenza della luna," which translates literally as "influence of the moon." At the time the term was coined, medical personnel did not know the cause of the disease, so they blamed it on the moon.
   Consider all that background, and don't be surprised in the coming days when human behavior becomes strange.

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