Saturday, November 5, 2022

Name Change

   The party's over, veteran Republicans are saying. The Grand Old Party (GOP) is now the Trumpian Party, as support for the former President remains high and he talks about running for a "third term."
   Never mind that the Constitution limits a president to two. Donald Trump insists that he won both elections, despite the reality that he lost the popular vote both times, and gained the presidency in 2016 by manipulating the Electoral College vote. In 2020, however, he lost both counts, followed by losses in 60 court challenges.
   Nevertheless, Trumpians maintain that voter polling is "fixed" against him, and they try to send their own monitors to polling places to guarantee his victory.
   Threats of violence are part of the strategy.
   Whether this marks the beginning of the end of the political party formed in the age of Abraham Lincoln is now the question.
   The party of Lincoln may soon become the party of Trump. How soon that will be depends on the vote pattern on Tuesday, November 8.

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