Sunday, May 14, 2023

Woke Up Call

   Mockery does not change reality.
   Not all the time, anyway, but it can reinforce bigotry and bias that's already there.
   That's what is happening as conservatives apply a different, albeit very loose, meaning to the term "woke."
   Linguists say the term originated as the past tense of the verb "wake." By extension, it also refers to people who became aware of a reality. That is, they finally "woke up."
   The current usage of the word began in Harlem in the mid-20th Century, when it came to mean a youth who left his or her neighborhood  to seek a job elsewhere in Manhattan, but in doing so became aware of bias in hiring.
   They woke.
   Currently, the same word is used to mock those who warn of the dangers of such a bias.
   As if no such danger or bias exists.
   But it does, and no amount of denial or mockery can change that. Continued denial, however, only reinforces the bigotry.
  Mockery can help prevent  bigots from gaining political power. When it succeeds, society is the better, as differing groups learn to get along.
   When it fails, however, power hungry bigots inflict their prejudged opinions on those who are not part of their group, and use that mockery to prevent them from pursuing their goals.
   Sometimes they also use more radical means, and this can encourage violence. There have been numerous examples of such violence against minority groups in America recently, resulting in thousands of deaths.
   Some folks compare what is happening here to what has happened in other countries in the past.
   Does the Holocaust come to mind? Adolph Hitler was very adept at arousing his followers as a way to build on his political ambitions.    So also does a current American political figure with ambitions to achieve national power.
   Be careful what you with for. You may get it.

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