Thursday, August 16, 2012

Border Security

We hear a lot about the need to keep out (illegal) immigrants and how important it is to close U.S. borders. But the odd thing is, it's only the southern border that is talked about. Isn't anyone worried about an influx of Canadians crossing the northern border and taking jobs away from "good Amurcans"?
   Can you name ten people whose ancestors did not come to America from another country? Henry Ford's grandfather left Ireland for Canada, then walked across the border, entering the U.S. illegally. Since then, the Ford family seems to have prospered and contributed to the national prosperity.
   Here's a partial list of people originally from Canada who have also contributed to the U.S. in many ways: Michael J. Fox, Robert McNeil, Lorne Greene, John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul Anka, Pamela Anderson, Dan Ackroyd, William Shatner, Mort Sahl, Peter Jennings, Sarah McLachlan, Justin Bieber, Art Linkletter and Mike Myers.
   Whether they became U.S. citizens or not, they worked, prospered and contributed to American prosperity for many years. Yet there has been no hue and cry about Canadians, no demand for them to carry identification, no calls for local police to check their status.
   Is it because they blend? Is it because "they look like us"? Is it because they speak English, and don't "talk funny"?
   Or is it that the fear of people crossing the southern border is based on racism?

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