Friday, August 31, 2012

Radical Righteous

   Early signals in campaign rhetoric suggest there will be renewed warnings that single motherhood is a national hazard.
   Look for the rhetoric of the Radical Righteous to drift away from praising the courage of single moms in favor of emphasizing the importance of traditional man-woman marriage and "core family values."
   The issue was touched on by speakers at the GOP Convention, even as they praised women in general and the courage of those raising a family on their own.
   Pay special attention to the speeches of Rick Santorum and Paul Ryan, both Tea Party darlings and leading voices for "core family values."

   Also noted: The use of the plural "these United States" by Mitt Romney and others is a harbinger of a new emphasis on states' rights over federal strength.
   "The United States" implies one nation, as compared to a confederacy of individual, independent states, each responsible for its own social welfare issues, with no room for federal involvement.

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