Monday, October 29, 2012

False Balance

   Thousands of scientists point to global warming, and document man's contribution to it.
   A handful claim global warming does not exist, and therefore man cannot contribute to what does not exist.
   Nonetheless, members of this vocal few are given an outlet for their views every time a story on global warming comes up. This is a false balance, since what little evidence they do provide is overwhelmingly outnumbered by the accumulated documentation of the many.
   Moreover, casual observers can remember outdoor ice skating in Northern New Jersey in the winter. It can't be done today, because ponds fail to freeze over long enough to allow skating. These same observers see mockingbirds year-round, and can remember when none were seen north of Virginia.
   Does global warming exist? Clearly, the answer is yes. The real question is what part man plays, and what can be done to lessen that contribution.

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