Sunday, October 28, 2012

News Judgment

   COMMENT: "Reporting of information as it happens is the job of reporters. Matters of opinion and identifying the 'big lie' should be left to editors, commentators, and columnists.
   "Exposing semi-true statements would deviate from the simple reporting aspect of the job."

   RESPONSE: Just because someone says it does not make it worth reporting. Included in that is deciding what information is worth reporting. And if that information is a blatant falsehood, reporters can and should provide additional information showing it to be false.
   Reporters have a duty to report fact as well as falsehood, and to provide evidence of their truth or falsity.
   Reporting only one side implies advocacy. Reporting two or more sides can lead to a "false balance," when one of the sides is sheer nonsense.
   Sometimes, that can be a tough line to walk. But when we are criticized by both sides, we know we're doing our job right.

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