Saturday, October 27, 2012

Send in the Clowns

"Note to Donald: Stop making a fool of yourself."
 -- Barbara Walters

   Do they really deserve the media exposure they get? Or is it that we all enjoy laughing?
   John Sununu says the only reason Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama is because they're both black. Donald Trump has given up on the birther bit, and now wants to see Obama's college transcripts.
   Richard Mourdock, Republican candidate in Indiana, claims he knows "what God intended" about rape and abortion.
   It is a supreme arrogance to presume to know what God intends for other people.
   If not so dangerous, they would be funny.

   SOUPY SEZ: Do the math.
   Mitt Romney proposes a $5 billion tax cut (that means less revenue), plus $2 billion in additional defense spending (total $7 billion), on the way to a balanced budget.
   Let's see. Less revenue plus more spending equals a balanced budget. Huh?
   This is to be done by closing loopholes (unspecified) and eliminating the capital gains tax. Or was I the only one listening when Romney said so during the last presidential debate?

   COME BACK, SHAME -- A politician's favorite comeback when caught wrong is along this line: "I was misquoted. The media misquoted me. What I really meant was ... "
   That won't work, guys. Roll the tape.
   We only hear what you say. If that's what you mean, shame on you. If not, shame on you for being unable to express yourself and say what you mean.
   Either way, the shame is yours, either because you're wrong or because you're incompetent.
   You're playing in the Big League now. The American people deserve better.

   Whatever happened to erudition among political candidates?
   Too often, we hear this: "Look, y'know, uh, I think, uh, y'know, uh ..."

Yes, I are dite.
Er you dite, too?

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