Thursday, December 27, 2012

Provoking Thought

   Editor's Revenge is aimed at provoking thought. It matters not whether you agree. It matters only that you consider options, possibilities and alternatives.
   It matters only that you think.

   Question: How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?
   Answer: Unknown. A committee studies the need, another the power source, another the environmental issues, yet another the standards involved, plus subcommittees to hold hearings and summarize testimony from experts, engineers, and lamp executives to ensure compatibility, union representatives for alternate viewpoints and working conditions as well as non-union issues, and lawyers for each of the interested parties.
   Eventually, the issue is tabled until the next session of Congress, or until Daylight Saving Time returns, whichever comes first, unless there is an adjournment during election season, in which case non-union maintenance staff or a part-time secretary will make the change, incurring the wrath of who knows how many other constituencies, prompting a new round of investigations and hearings, all done by candle light.

   On language, remember that slang is not the past tense of sling.

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