Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Speech Control

   Gun lobbyists began a petition drive on the White House after CNN commentator Piers Morgan came out in favor of more restrictions on gun sales. Petitioners demand that the government act immediately to deport Morgan (he's British) for his alleged violations of the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
   They conveniently forget the First Amendment.

   It seems there is a law that stipulates the President must respond to any petition that accumulates 25,000 signatures. Within days of its initial posting, the petition had more than 30,000 signatures, and is nearing 50,000.
   Morgan seems to be taking the fuss in stride, even to the point of urging friends to join and sign the petition.
   Meanwhile, he says he will continue to use his program as a debate forum on gun issues, as well as to express his own views.

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