Friday, January 4, 2013

Argot Rhythm

"Ignore the premise of the question."
-- Chief of Staff Leo McGarry on The West Wing.

   Requirements for politicians:

   Say "nucular," instead of "nuclear."
   Stay "on message" regardless of fact or reality.
   Demonize the opposition. What they say is propaganda; what we say is the real truth.
   Use meaningless buzz words whenever possible.
   Memorize these lines and use them often: "I was misquoted. What I really meant was..." Also, "This is another example of an attack by the media elite."
   Drop names whenever possible, and claim close friendship with each.

   Treat reporters as if they really are as smart as they think they are, while knowing deep inside that they are a pack of ignorant jackals out to hound you into a corner.
   Always speak as if you're in a roundhouse. They can't corner you there.
   The more you talk around an issue or question, the less likely you are to address it head-on. (See McGarry quote, above.)

   Note to reporters: Treat politicians with the respect they deserve. It isn't much, but give it to them anyway.
   Always quote them exactly. It's more fun to watch them hang themselves.
   When they insist they were misquoted, expect your broadcast friends to roll the tape.

"It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." -- Abraham Lincoln.

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