Sunday, January 27, 2013


   "Divide and conquer" may work in a military campaign, but in modern politics division leads to self-defeat.
   "Transparent" only begins to describe the blatantly obvious divisive tactics of today's radical right in America. Rather than seek compromise and accommodation to achieve economic health for all Americans, they preach righteous platitudes on how their path is the only correct and possible one.
   Their leaders cite "makers and takers," speaking to the haves and ignoring the have-nots, thus dividing the country. They forget the words in the pledge of all Americans: "one nation ... indivisible." And they ignore Abraham Lincoln's warning that "a house divided against itself cannot stand," not seeing the irony that even as they seed division, Lincoln was quoting the Bible (Matthew 12:25).

   When you preach to the choir, you don't need evidence. They have already accepted your Truths.
   When you talk only to yourself, you can persuade yourself of anything. It's called rationalizing.
   When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

   In American democracy, we have an obligation to question authority. But to block solely for the sake of blocking creates a poison that sickens the body politic. The Republican Party has become the Party of No.
   To criticize is useful, but it's better to offer viable alternatives and be willing to cooperate, compromise and accommodate.

   Otherwise, you start walking the path to oblivion.

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