Friday, January 11, 2013


Meaningless lines we can do without:

SNOW JOB -- TV weather pitch: "How much snow will you get? That depends on where you are."

WHEN? -- "Only time will tell."

STEEP HAIRCUT -- "She agreed to sheer her locks." A cliff is sheer. To shear is to cut with large scissors. Shearing is what one does to sheep.

NEWS ITEMS: An Egyptian TV comic was sued by the government for insulting the nation's president.

COMMENT: In the U.S., this is general practice. We have the right to speak; we also have the right not to listen. However, we ignore those we disagree with at our peril. Meanwhile, we pay taxes for the right to complain about paying taxes.

Thomas Jefferson said that given the choice of newspapers without government or government without newspapers, he would take the former. However, this was while he was out of office. As President, he enacted the Sedition Act, which made it a criminal offense to criticize the government.

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