Wednesday, July 24, 2013


   President Barack Obama has taken his show on the road to gather a wider audience for his second-term show. And the key theme is a plan to build economic recovery "from the middle out," rather than the trickle-down economics of several decades ago. Then, the hope was to cut extra breaks for those at the top, and the benefits would eventually trickle down to the middle and lower classes of society.
   Meanwhile, Republicans are digging in their heels to even more strongly oppose the President's plans.
   Who's right? The answer to that may well come with the next election, when voters decide how long they want to wait for jobs and income as well as medical and educational benefits.
   One side says the private sector knows best and can do the job without government help, while the other side maintains that private enterprise, while it may be able, isn't always willing. Therefore, some government help and encouragement is called for.
   In the long run, it is indeed possible that all things will work out for the best in this best of all possible worlds, as Voltaire might have put it. But in the long run, we are all dead, said Mr. Keynes.

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