Sunday, July 21, 2013


   The Scotsman newspaper in Edinburgh ran a piece on a campaign to restore an apostrophe to the sign announcing Princes Street in the city's prime shopping area. There seems to be some disagreement over whether the sign refers to one or several princes, and this would determine where the apostrophe -- which reportedly had been there until the 1830s -- should go.
   However, copy editor Pug Mahoney notes that grammar, punctuation and spelling are not the same thing. The Scotsman piece uses all three terms interchangeably.

   Here's a link:

   Small courtesies yield long memories.

   Sarcasm for one is a terrorist threat for another.

   Some TV interviewers' questions are more brief essays than attempts to elicit an answer. Wolf Blitzer of CNN comes to mind.

   A supermarket aisle -- the seasonal section -- had a large display of toilet paper. There's a season for it? Who knew?

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