Saturday, October 5, 2013

Politickle Diss-Connect

We don't hear much opposition to universal health care from the insurance industry.

The Obamaphobes have lost their marbles and sent everyone else home.

   Congressional behavior would be laughable if it weren't so dangerous.
   The politickle diss-connect was brought on because some few felt they didn't get the respect they thought they deserved. As if such behavior deserves respect. And because a small minority has been unable to persuade the majority to overturn a three-year-old law, which was passed by Congress, signed by the President and approved by the Supreme Court.
  Now the House is attempting to erode the government's position piecemeal, by throwing pebbles against the budget impasse mountain, all the while complaining that the other side refuses to talk things over and negotiate.
   The time for negotiation was six months ago, when the budget was due to be set up.

   Still, the mouthy minority is using the budget and the debt ceiling as levers to overturn a legal program that is in place and that clearly people want. Proof of that is the flood of applications on Day One that the Affordable Care Act and the health insurance marketplace opened for business.
   Opponents claim that the jammed computer system is proof that "it doesn't work," and that people don't want it. On the contrary, when millions of people try to access the online system on Day One, it's proof that people do indeed want it.

   Reality check: Beyond Medicare and Medicaid, the government is not providing health insurance at all. The law requires everyone to have health insurance. Many already do, through their employers, on their own, or through Medicare (for seniors) and Medicaid (the poor and disabled). And if they don't have health insurance, they go to a government-sponsored marketplace to get it -- with a private company.
   There are already many government-mandated insurance programs, including unemployment insurance, old-age pension insurance (Social Security), disability insurance, automobile insurance, and liability insurance for such professions as law and medicine.
   This is another business opportunity.

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