Sunday, December 1, 2013


"In Search of Lost Time" -- Book title

"Til the end of time" -- Song title

The future differs from what we expect.

Looking forward is longer than looking backward.

When time arrives, will I be here?

   Many folks think of time as a commodity, to be saved, squandered or invested, or as a measure of payment -- that is, their time is worth X amount and they expect to be paid that much for their time.
   But it's not always time that is saved, squandered or invested; rather, it is skill. Skills can be acquired. Talents are gifts that must be developed and polished, and are useful only when given away. And those with skill and talent should be compensated, if not in cash, then in psychic compensation. However, psychic compensation is not always exchangeable for groceries.
   Time is not a commodity, to be bought and sold. Workers do not sell their time; rather, they rent their skills. Professionals charge by the hour, but they are renting out their expertise.

   Poets write of the beginning of time, and of the end of time, as if time were linear. But what if time is not linear, but circular?
   Einstein showed that light does not travel in a straight line, but curves. And given enough time, the light will return to its source. In this context, time travel is theoretically possible.

   Freedom, like time, is not an achievement; it is a process. We never really get there. We're always on the way.

There was a young woman named Bright
Whose speed was much faster than light.
She went out one day,
In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.

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