Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Media vs Money

The fastest way to get your name in print is to try to keep it out.

   Five years ago, The New Yorker magazine published a 10,000-word article on the Koch brothers and their efforts to push America to the arms of the Radical Righteous. In response, the ultra-conservative industrialists sicced a private investigator on the writer.
   Not a good idea.
   This only piqued the curiosity of the writer, who then spent several years digging even deeper into the Koch brothers political machinations. Result: A book-length account of their efforts to demolish any and all government social and regulatory programs and agencies, including Social Security and Medicare, the Food and Drug Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and several others. In addition, they would sharply cut taxes in order to benefit their corporate bottom line.
   The book, "Dark Money," by Jane Mayer, was published this week, and brought news articles and book reviews about the brothers and their history, which included forming the John Birch Society.
   Want more? Here's a link to the New York Times book review:

   The lesson here is that a free and independent press is vital to ensuring a stable society that protects and serves all citizens, not just those with money and power.

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