Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dismantling Government Part Two

The purge plan continues

   The man who proposed shutting down the Department of Energy is Donald Trump's selection to head that department.
   Team Trump said the President-elect has decided on Rick Perry, former governor of Texas, as his Cabinet choice for secretary of energy. During a debate of candidates, Perry started to list agencies he wanted to eliminate, but could not remember them.
   Earlier, Trump chose Rex Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, to be secretary of state. Tillerson has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
   A day before, Trumperos began listing EPA staffers who had attended climate change meetings. Next step would be to purge them from the Environmental Protection Agency.
   As noted here Dec. 8, judging from recent choices for senior administrators, with their long history of opposition to government and its programs, the stage is being set for a large-scale takedown of government regulation and monitoring of corporate activities.

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