Sunday, December 25, 2016


"I want what I want when I want it, and if I don't get it, you'll be sorry." Note that the first person pronoun appears four times in that sentence, but the second person pronoun "you," referring to others, appears only once.

   America's shift to the righteous is likely to accelerate in the coming year, as the new Administration puts in place many of the changes talked about during the election campaign.
   This assumes, of course, that the Senate consents to the Cabinet nominees and senior-level administrators proposed by President-elect Donald Trump and that the nominees continue their past policy and performance preferences.
   This also assumes that the new President takes an active part in setting up the programs he talked about so much. It's also possible that he will delegate daily operations of the Administration to his Vice President while he, as President, travels to rallies where he takes credit for successful changes as he blames others for failures.
   That, too, would be no surprise, since it follows his traditional business practices.
   There's no way to know for sure what will happen, even in the most fortuitous of circumstances, since even the President-elect himself has said many times, "I want to be unpredictable."
   One thing is predictable, however. Trump has a deep need for praise and adulation, which he has demonstrated for many decades. Couple that with his history of blaming others for failures, and there's no reason to think that, at age 70, he's likely to change.

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