Friday, December 9, 2016

Enough Already

   Note to the Donald: Enough already with the campaigning. You won. Now it's time to get down to business. Or does your weak ego need more stroking?

   Herewith some comments from four years ago that are still relevant:

Media Musings
18 August 2012

   News reporters have no greater right to attend government sessions and political meetings than anyone else. But they have no less a right.
   In an "open public meeting," news reporters have a right to attend, first as members of the public, and second, as representatives of those who cannot attend.
   There was a time when candidates would refuse to speak at a campaign rally if there was a neutral reporter in the audience ready to write down and spread the word on what the candidate actually said.
   That time has passed, and now candidates pack the audience with supporters to ensure cheers for the benefit of the TV cameras.
   The downside, of course, is that video recordings take down every word, verbatim, and without any interpretation or fact-checking that a journalist might put in the report.
   Maybe that's why candidates seldom say anything of substance.

Competitive Talking
18 August 2012

   Political debate is becoming an Olympic sport -- whoever can talk longer, louder and say less, wins.
   The strategy is to keep talking, not let the other guy get a word in, and stay "on message," adhering to the designated talking point of the day regardless of any question put to the debate panel.
   Debaters (?) score points by ignoring the question, interrupting the opponent, using up the time allotted and generally monopolizing the discourse by talking over or shouting down others.

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