Monday, February 13, 2017

And the Loser Is ...

  The Diss Train went off the rails only eight days into the presidential term.
   Most presidents enjoy a honeymoon of sorts when they take office, and months go by before their approval rating goes negative.
   The Gallup Organization, which tracks such things, said the approval rating of President George W. Bush lasted 1,205 days until it went below 50 percent. It took 1,136 days until his father's rating, that of George H.W. Bush, went negative. For President Barack Obama, the disapproval rating had to wait 936 days. President Ronald Reagan rank of approval waited 727 days until it went negative. And the approval rating of President Bill Clinton remained positive for 573 days.
   This year, however, it took just a week until more Americans disapproved of Donald Trump's presidency than approved.
   Count 'em. Eight days.

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