Saturday, February 18, 2017

Campaign 2020

   President Donald Trump opened his re-election campaign with an implied threat of war during a rally in Florida Saturday. Supporters behind the lectern help up signs reading "Trump 2020." Already, his campaign registered filings on January 20 enabling it to continue to collect donations.
   He made no direct mention during his speech of re-election plans, but he has in the past referred to his upcoming "eight years" in office. Presidential terms are for four years.
   Just two days shy of a full month since his inauguration, Trump began his speech to supporters with a fresh attack on the "dishonest media," insisting he wanted to talk directly to his fans "without the filter of fake news" where journalists cite "made up sources" in news stories.
   But he soon returned to his earlier promise of "peace through strength," which will bring "a new day in America" where fewer immigrants will be allowed in unless they can prove they can love this country as other Americans do.
   More importantly, he cautioned that other wars were settled for "politically correct" reasons, which allowed other nations to "take advantage of us" through the "stupidity of politicians."
   That won't happen anymore, he promised, because "we will start winning again."
   To do that, Trump said, his administration will rebuild the nation's military. Meanwhile, he has asked  Secretary of Defense James Mattis to devise "a plan to totally destroy ISIS," with the U.S. setting up "safe zones" in Syria to protect civilians while other Mideast nations fight to defeat rebel forces.
   How that will happen without American troops getting directly involved in the fighting to protect refugees was not mentioned.

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