Thursday, February 9, 2017

Trump Tantrum

   Those who expected a switch from campaign rhetoric to presidential behavior are increasingly disappointed.
   Just 21 days into his presidency, the new guy continues to throw a tantrum whenever a decision goes against him. Currently, his target is the federal judiciary, which is considering challenges to his executive order banning travel by certain groups of people, regardless of their status, and relying partly on religious affiliation.
   More than a dozen challenges have been filed against his order, the most significant one in Washington State, where a federal judge stopped the ban. An appeal to a federal district court upheld that injunction pending a full hearing. Along the way, one of the appellate judges asked the government lawyer whether an executive order by the president was "unreviewable," raising another constitutional issue over the independence of the judiciary as a separate and equal branch of government.
   The president called the appellate court's ruling "a political decision," adding that "we will win."
   "See you in court," he added.
   That's likely to be the U.S. Supreme Court, which has not been known to bend to a president's whim.

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