Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Control Freak

Rudeness is no cover for ignorance.

   Simply put, ignorance means not knowing. In and of itself, this is not dangerous, but acting on that lack of knowledge, especially in government and international relations, can be extremely dangerous.
   Rudeness, however, can be proof of an ignorant man's need, born of insecurity, to control every conversation, situation or project that he encounters.
   Truly intelligent people are aware of what they don't know, and are willing to listen to others with knowledge or expertise of a subject. In doing this, they absorb many sides of an issue and balance all aspects to make an informed decision.
   The biggest dangers, therefore, lie in uninformed decisions, or in snap decisions made on incomplete or inaccurate knowledge. That is, ignorance.
   Add arrogance to the mix of ignorance and rudeness and you form an image of an extremely dangerous political leader.

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