Wednesday, May 17, 2017


"Look at the way I've been treated lately, especially by the media. No politician in history has been treated worse or more unfairly." -- President Donald Trump in a speech to graduates of the Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut.

   Awww. Poor baby. Those nasty, unfair, fake and failing journalism outlets have done nothing but report to the American people just what he says and does.
   And that's so unfair. Those terrible, horrible, vicious news people refuse to do what they're told. They don't report what's in his heart, but insist on publicizing what comes out of his mouth.
   Of course, when he contradicts not only himself but also his staffers who try to put a better spin on what he says it's not his fault that readers and TV viewers are confused. The news media is really to blame for not changing the narrative to reflect a better, favorable story. After all, as Himself has said, "I'm the president, and you're not."
   Journalist must report the truth, and the truth is that which he says at any given moment. If he says something in the next moment that is the opposite, then that is more true than what was said in the first moment.
   It's an alternative fact, and is more true than the basic fact that may have been said earlier. Viewers, listeners and readers should disremember what was said earlier, because Fact Two has more truth than Fact One. Why? Because he said so. Whatever he says at any given moment is true. Some facts are more true than other facts.
   Meanwhile, journalists are going bonkers trying to keep up with developments as the current president races toward impeachment. Democrats in Congress are demanding that the process start. Even some Republicans, denizens of the president's own political party, are acknowledging that it's time to collect all the facts.
   Also, the deputy attorney general has named a special counsel to lead an investigation into charges that Russia may have tried to manipulate last November's presidential election. 
   This will likely include probing allegations that the president call for the FBI to stop investigating his former national security advisor, as well as the "coincidence" that James Comey, who had been the FBI director, was fired after he reportedly refused to pledge his personal loyalty to the president, and to drop the investigation. The next day, the president fired the FBI director.
   All this information and more was disclosed to the public by journalists.
   But all of the disclosures are fake and phony, perpetrated by the unfair media, according to a man whose ignorance of history, geography, law and Constitutional principles has been demonstrated many times during the election campaign and since the inauguration.
   His credibility gap is now wider than the Grand Canyon, prompting investigations by Congress and a special counsel to follow up on news reports detailing potentially impeachable offenses.
   Even House Speaker Paul Ryan is echoing Sgt. Joe Friday in "Dragnet," the TV series, "Just the facts, Ma'am." 
   The evidence and the facts are piling up.

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