Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It's Mueller Time

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

   The special counsel probe into government wrongdoing and possible collusion with foreigners during the presidential election campaign is led by a federal prosecutor who took down the Brooklyn Mafia, the Enron company, and the Arthur Andersen accounting firm.
   So this legalistic pit bull, as the New York Times characterized Andrew Weissman, should be afraid of the Trumpian machine because ... ?
   Meanwhile, the president's squad continues its distraction tactics to refocus  public attention away from the probe to its allegations of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.
   Good luck with that one, considering that there is little or no evidence to support their charges.
   Nevertheless, they persist in what can be called the "Yeah But Syndrome," which manifests in such defensive claims as "Yeah, but they do it too." Or, "Yeah, but she hit me first." Or this one: "Yeah, but the other guy is even worse."
   That final claim is the defense of last resort for those who eventually admit that their guy really is the arrogant, ignorant liar that the evidence has been showing for months.
   Which means they remain loyal to their hero regardless of the list of failings that grows longer by the day.
   Reality check: Hillary Clinton did not gain the presidency, so it doesn't matter what she may or may not have done during the campaign. Donald Trump did win through to the Oval Office, so it matters a great deal what he  and his team said and did during the campaign and what they now say and do, because this affects the entire nation.
   Anyway, soon the Traveling Twit will leave for an extended visit to the Far East, including Japan, South Korea and China. On the good side, this may mean that he will be out of Twitter range for perhaps a week.
   Then again, maybe not.
   Meanwhile, the president and his devotees keep lashing at Democrats and Hillary Clinton, insisting that the probe by Robert Mueller and his crew should really be focusing on what the Dems did, and not on what they insist is the guy who now sits in the Oval Office or his associates.
   However, to paraphrase what Trump himself has said, it's because you are the president, and she's not.
   Add to that the reality that two close members of the Trump team have been indicted, and a third has copped a plea of guilty to a range of charges dealing with a bunch of stuff. (You could look it up. It's too long to detail here.)
   One more thing to keep in mind: The defenders respond loudly that since the allegations show no immediate, direct connection to the president, that means there is no evidence or proof of collusion.
   Stay tuned.

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