Monday, November 27, 2017

Radical Righteous

Politics and religion don't mix.

   Conservative religionists are happy that the proposed federal tax reform bill would end the ban on churches and non-profit groups from political activity.
   Sounds like a good idea if you want to spread your ideas and make them part of the law of the land.
   But if the radical righteous can foist their stringent views of morality on the general public, then so can other religious groups and church-affiliated organizations.
   The Vatican, for instance.
   Granted, the Pope cannot get directly involved in U.S. politics. But indirectly, through messages from archbishops, bishops and parish priests speaking to the congregations, perhaps he can.
   Already, many ordained ministers push the envelope by speaking out on political issues and even running for political office.
   Rarely, however, do clergy connected even remotely to the Vatican make political recommendations from the pulpit or anywhere else.

   Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

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