Friday, April 27, 2018

Going for Brokaw

   Retired NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw has been accused of inappropriate sexual behavior by a former journalist with the network. The incidents -- two of them, a year apart -- were alleged to have occurred in the 1990s, according to several reports.
   The accuser, Linda Vester, was a correspondent for NBC News at the time, and later joined Fox News.
   After the allegations appeared, Brokaw withdrew as commencement speaker at a Connecticut university, and was replaced by Linda McMahon, a member of President Trump's Cabinet and wife of wrestling promoter Vince McMahon.
   Coincidence? Perhaps.
   Or it could be a coordinated effort by those in the Trump camp to distract attention from White House shenanigans and strike at NBC News.
   Major news outlets are all over this story, as Brokaw has denied all the allegations in detail, describing the two meetings with Vester as happening at her request, brief and cordial, with "no romantic overtures towards her at that time or any other." In a email to colleagues, according to an NPR report, Brokaw expressed anger at being "ambushed and then perp walked ... as an avatar of male misogyny."
   Brokaw had been the anchor for NBC Nightly News before retiring, but still appears as a commentator on current events.

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