Sunday, April 29, 2018

Nobel Not

   Donald J. Trump will not be awarded the Nobel Peace Price for 2018.
   Reason: The nomination deadline expired months ago, on January 31.
   So despite all the chanting and ranting by supporters at the campaign-style rally in Michigan over the weekend and the subsequent speculation by columnists as to whether he deserves it for his role in bringing about peace talks between North Korea and South Korea, unless the committee changes the rules, it's not going to happen.
   Whether it happens next year, even assuming the talks are successful and Trump is still in office, is anyone's guess.
   Meanwhile, the Nobel committee began its deliberations February 1, and the prizes won't be awarded until October.
   The fuss started Saturday evening at the re-election campaign rally, when supporters in the cheering section began chanting Nobel! Nobel! during the president's speech.
   Whether the chanting was primed and set up by Team Trump is, of course, open to speculation, but it's common at rallies for a politician's supporters to start chanting on cue.

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