Thursday, July 12, 2018


Respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned. -- Pug Mahoney

   Courtesy is a two-way street, and the only way it works is when people on the street observe both sides.
   You cannot demand it of others and not return it in kind. Otherwise, you show yourself to be a rude, crude, overbearing bully who does not deserve the civility, much less the loyalty, you expect from others.
   That may sound like someone you know personally as well as a prominent politician who has been in the news lately.
   Interrupting others is always rude, especially in a public forum of major political leaders.
   So if you want civil treatment, be civil. And remember that we are all created equal. In case you have forgotten, that's in one of the founding documents of the American republic.

   When you berate others with a barrage of insults, mockery, abuse and vilification, be prepared for such tactics to be returned. Either that, or you will be ignored as someone not worth responding to, much less dealing with, no matter your rank in government.
   Moreover, you will lose what few friends you may have had, all the way up to the international level.
   For an arrogant, uncivil egoist, to be ignored is a fate worse than defeat.

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