Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Mock not, lest ye be mocked upon. -- Pug Mahoney

    Of his many (?) talents, Donald Trump is very good at mocking others. So good, in fact, that most of his American competitors quickly fail in their attempts to match him in mockery. This is especially true of politicians.
   Comes now his planned visit to Britain, as part of a tour of Europe -- which will include, of course, a side trip to one of his golf resorts in Scotland. But along the way, the Brits will greet him with a soaring balloon of a baby in diapers, picking up on his reported fuming at an associate for allegedly treating him "like a baby."
   And when it comes to mockery, who's better than the Brits, the same folk who brought the world Monty Python's Flying Circus?
   On his trip to London, will the president visit the Ministry of Silly Walks? Or will he seek out the Lady of the Lake, looking for her to launch a scimitar in his general direction as a hint that he be successful in his effort to form a new system of government?
   He can dish out mockery, but can he take it?
   Stay tuned.

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