Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Word Games and Hypocrisy

   If collusion is not a crime, as the Trumpians insist, how come the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) can file charges against a Texas firm for "colluding" with other firms to limit wages?
   The FTC said a therapist company and two owners have settled charges that they "colluded on rates paid to physical therapists in the Dallas/Fort Worth area."
   “Just as it is illegal for competitors to agree to fix prices on the products they sell in order to drive prices up, it is illegal for competitors to agree to fix wages or fees paid to workers in order to drive wages down,” said Bruce Hoffman, Director of the Bureau of Competition.
   The company involved, Your Therapy Source, as well as its owner and the previous owner of a competing firm, were charged with colluding to reduce pay rates for therapists and that they invited other companies also to collude on the rates.
   The term "collusion" was used regularly in the announcement, but the word "conspiracy" was not.
   Those named in the case have agreed to settle the charges, the FTC said.

   This news comes just a day after Trump supporters, led by lawyer Rudy Giuliani, proclaimed to any news outlet they could reach that "collusion is not a crime."
   So how come when a local company does it the feds jump on the case as illegal collusion, but when the president and his allies agree to do something deceptive and fraudulent there's no problem?
   Can you say "hypocrisy"?

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