Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Civil Crisis

Those who do not learn from a crisis are condemned to repeat it.

Your civil rights end where my nose begins.

Don't fix blame. Fix the problem

   In 1918, the influenza epidemic killed 20,000 people in the city of Philadelphia alone.
   In 2020, the corona virus has killed more than 10,000 people across America in just three months. And the toll keeps rising, especially in densely populated regions.
   Yet there are many who insist that government efforts to reduce the toll by calling for people not to be close to each other is a violation of their Constitutional right "peacefully to assemble."
   It would be easy to say to them, "Fine. If you want to kill each other, go right ahead. But don't bring me into your sick group."
   Except that there are laws against killing. Both political and Biblical.
   Thou shalt not kill.
   Stay home.

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