Friday, April 24, 2020


"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." -- Harry Truman

   Pressure is building on the president after his "musing" about using disinfectant internally to combat the corona virus. Brainstorming in public on national TV is not smart, but that apparently is what he was doing after hearing that disinfectants can clean up surfaces within minutes, prompting him to wonder aloud and on camera whether it could also be used internally.
   The question was interpreted as as a suggestion that people drink Lysol, or some other similar disinfectant as an anti-virus treatment, and instantly went worldwide and was talked about for the rest of the day Thursday and into Friday. As a result, the president took no questions at his Friday news briefing, instead leaving the room after his initial remarks.
   Now the issue is whether he will hold another daily news briefing Saturday. If he does, will he take questions? Will he answer them, or attack the questioner?
   That has been his practice when he does not like the question. But ignoring the issue or slamming the news media will not make the question go away.
   So how long can he last under this rising pressure?
   Will he quit?

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