Thursday, January 20, 2022

Critique of Race Theory

    All the noise about Critical Race Theory raises two questions:
   1/ What is it?
   2/ If  racism exists, how do we deal with it?
   The first question is the basis for study in advanced placement classes in high schools and in colleges. This immediately leads to the second question.
   A few states in America have banned the teaching of this topic, warning that it will cause discomfort among young students. In effect, this denies that the problem of racism has ever existed.
   But the topic has not been taught in elementary schools. Rather, it has been discussed only at higher educational levels. To deny racism exists in America is a denial of reality.
   The purpose of education is to acknowledge reality, understand problems and issues, and to search for ways to deal with them.
   So the answer to question number one is this: Racism, by definition, is to categorize a group of people according to color or ethnic background, and to use that as a means to reduce them to a lower level of society.
   As for question number two, the ideal solution is to acknowledge racism exists, and to develop ways to reduce and eliminate the discrimination it causes throughout society.
   Denial does not eliminate a problem.

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