Sunday, January 16, 2022

DT = Delirium Tremens

    Many people are intoxicated by the rantings of the ex-president, and they refuse to listen to news reports that document his many lies perpetrated in public speeches. 
   Time was, the L-word was almost never used on TV broadcasts. Now, it's used regularly by national and international broadcasters, including the BBC, France24, and DW, which is based in Germany. In addition, it's used by NPR -- the American listener-supported network -- as well as all the major commercial TV networks.
   Even the Fox network, on its basic TV news operations and its computer outlets, reports the falsehoods uttered by the ex-president. The evening  commentators continue to support him, but they are opinion programs, not basic news reports.
   Note: The ex-president's speech in Arizona Saturday evening was not carried live by the Fox network. On Sunday, other news networks documented and explained the various lies he spoke during the speech.
   So even if there were some validity to the claim that American news operations are biased against DT because they are controlled by Democrats -- the only exception being Fox and its evening commentators -- that leaves the international news operations. They are available in America and are known for their neutrality.
   To paraphrase Chico Marx: Who you gonna believe, Donald Trump or the BBC, France24, DW, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press and all the other major news operations dedicated to reporting truth?
   Or do they all lie, and the only person worth believing is known as DT?

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