Wednesday, January 12, 2022

"You're Fired"

   No one who has given aid and comfort to those engaged in insurrection against the United States shall hold any office, national or state.
   That's a summary of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, and it means that Donald J. Trump cannot run for president again, nor can he hold any other government office.
   It was written primarily to apply to those actively engaged in rebellion during the Civil War, but it included all those who encouraged those who did. It remains part of the Constitution, and still applies to anyone who rebels against the government.
   Those who have seen the recordings of what the ex-president said and did on January 6 of last year when his supporters stormed the Capitol in their attempt to overturn the previous election, know that the term "insurrection" applies. And they know that Trump encouraged and supported their actions as he claimed that the election was "rigged" against him.
   The Constitutional provision applies to all those who participated in the insurrection a year ago. Unless Congress, by a two-thirds vote in each House, "removes such disability."
   Trump continues to assert that the election was "stolen" from him, despite all evidence that he lost.
   We live in interesting times.

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