Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Dream Thoughts

    If it's only a dream, why do people keep trying to make it real?
   Many books in a town library try to deal with that question, not only in the psychology section, but also in the philosophy shelf as well as volumes dealing with government and politics.
   One problem seems to be that there are as many different answers as there are questions, since each person has a different notion of what a dream should be, or which dream is best suited to be worked into the real world or winked at as "only a dream."
   A realist might say this is what leads to trouble in the world. People decide that if a certain dream works well for them, it therefore must be perfect for everyone else.
   They become so convinced that their dream is the perfect solution to all the world's woes that they try to persuade all others to subscribe to that one dream. In political or governmental dreams, this can easily lead to conflict with others who are equally certain of their own beliefs and dreams.
   Or in spiritual issues, one set of beliefs.
   Dreams and ideals are wonderful things, and it is good that people try their best to make their dreams come true.
   But to impose their dreams or beliefs on others, regardless of how well they work for you or how much others may disagree with your dreams, can often lead to opposition so strong as to cause violence.
   It is good to have dreams and to pass them on to others for them to consider.
   But to force others to adopt your dreams is wrong.

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