Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Follow the Leader

    Life is a series of if-then statements.
   To children, it's a game.
   To adults, it's politics.
   When adults follow their leader regardless of where he or she goes, and especially if that direction is clearly toward disaster, then an entire nation may be in serious trouble.
   America now has a leader who may not be the most competent president in the nation's history, but he is not consumed by whatever will best serve his personal finances.
  His opponent in the last election, however, remains consumed by the shock of losing. His ardent followers have also succumbed to the notion that the election was "rigged," and they cling to the notion that a second insurrection may be necessary to return their leader to White House power.
   Will another rebellion happen? We don't know, but there are some who hope and plan for it. Already, they are inserting themselves into other domestic and civil issues as a way of inflaming society so a firm government hand will be essential to restore public order.
   That, however, raises the question of the reality of public disorder. The tension caused by covid-19 is being exacerbated as certain malcontents encourage rebellion over vaccinations, despite the strong evidence that it works.
  For many decades, Americans have willingly and conscientiously accepted vaccines against polio, malaria, yearly variants of influenza and many other diseases to maintain health for themselves, their families and for society.
  So why now the sudden disbelief that this particular vaccination will help save lives? Could it be another attempt by a takeover group to sow the seeds of discontent and foster rebellion in America?
  The future is not fully foreseeable, but there are symptoms that dissent is being fostered wherever an opportunity arises for the dissenters.
  Here's a possible example:
  Truckers in Canada are supposedly behind the blockage of access to the U.S., alleging they are being forced against their will by U.S. policy to get vaccines against covid.
  Some 90 percent of Canadian truckers already are vaccinated, following a policy set by the Canadian government. So if they are now vaccinated, why are they protesting against something they already have?
  Answer: They're not.
  The blockage is perpetrated by others, masquerading as truckers.
   Who are they really working for, if not the Canadian trucking industry?
   It's time to take off their masques.

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