Sunday, February 6, 2022

Poll Vault

   The secret of launching a successful poll of voters is to be neutral in how the questions are phrased, as well as to maintain a wide enough array of respondents so the results are meaningful.
   That is, unless the poll takers are working for a political party and they want the results to be favorable to the organization's goals.
   More important is the tactic of keeping the results locked up until enough responses can be tabulated and the conclusions will be meaningful.
   There are plenty of responsible polling firms that follow these guidelines to reinforce their reputation for neutrality and responsibility.
   Others, however, especially those affiliated with political parties, frame their questions so the possible answers will be favorable to the electioneering goals.
   In effect, they are little more than propaganda efforts. They mine voter lists to get addresses of thousands of people, and make no effort get a neutral result. Rather, they want results that will reflect the political goals of the party.
   Good polling firms phrase their questions so responses will accurately reflect the opinions of the people interviewed. Others phrase their questions so the only possible response will be favorable to the sponsoring political party's position.
   In effect, therefore, they are little more than advertising sheets seeking to build support for predetermined conclusions.
   And that's why many people refuse to take part in any polling interviews at all. 

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