Sunday, August 7, 2022

Faith and Politics

 "That's a stupid question." -- Candidate to journalist.
"There are no stupid questions. Only stupid answers."
                                                -- Journalist's response.
"Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel."
                                                  -- PR motto.

   Faith and belief are sometimes two different things, especially with politicians.
   Spiritual faith and belief rely on concepts that may not be provable in the real world, but political faith relies on what a chosen official says and does, which can be easily verified.
   However, many politicians routinely expect belief and obedience from the public regardless of fact or reality. The current cry from some political candidates is that voting is "rigged" and the results will be "fake."
   But what happens if they win? Does that prove the election really was "rigged" and that they did the rigging?
   Conclusion: If they lose, that proves the election was rigged. But if they win, that proves the election was fair.

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