Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Fake Logic

    Statement 1: I could shoot somebody in the middle of the street and not lose any votes.
   Conclusion: Probably true, since one part of the sentence has little to do with the other.
   Statement 2: I could shoot somebody in the middle of the street and not be prosecuted.
   Conclusion: Not true, because shooting someone is against the law, whether privately or in the middle of the street. 
   Statement 3: I'm the boss, so everything in the building belongs to me.
   Conclusion: Not true, unless you have personally paid for, manufactured or produced everything in the building, as well as owning the building itself. Otherwise, you are just a tenant, and your lease has run out so you have to leave and not take anything with you.
  Otherwise, it's tantamount to theft, and for that you can be prosecuted, because theft is against the law.
   Like the man said, "No one is above the law."

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