Friday, August 12, 2022

News Bias

 "That's not fair. She did it too!"

   Many readers and viewers call a news outlet neutral and objective only when a report echoes their own opinion. If not, they complain of bias.
   Oddly, that works both ways. Conservatives allege left-wing bias, and liberals complain of rightist prejudice, even when the report is neutral and factually accurate.
   As an editor once said, when both sides object, that's proof the report was accurate and true.
   The problem journalists face is that each side wants a favorable report to help propagate their pre-judged message.
   That's why it's called propaganda and prejudice.
   Meanwhile, current news reports about Donald Trump are met with protests that "she did it, too," referring to actions by Hillary Clinton.
   This is the kind of reaction parents get from children caught in their errors. The adult response: "That means you're both wrong, and it doesn't excuse either of you."
   If  another politician is potentially guilty of something, he or she should be formally accused and taken to court.
  Meanwhile, that does not excuse a competing politician from a separate accusation of criminal activity. Both can be taken to court, and the judicial system can sort out the charges. One does not negate or excuse the other. If each is found guilty, each can be penalized. Meanwhile, both can and should be charged.
   One does not cancel the other.

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