Monday, March 20, 2023

Danger Talk

   Donald Trump escalated his rhetoric, complaining he will be "arrested" on Tuesday for covering up his alleged hush payments to a New York model.
   But that's not the most serious of the charges he may face. There is the issue of an attempt to sway the presidential election results by asking a governor to fix a vote count in his favor.
  That's the second of two state offences. There is also a federal investigation, but no charges have been filed on that level.
   Meanwhile, to distract his followers' attention from the details of the more serious legal issues he is facing, Trump is urging his fans to demonstrate their support in New York City. This raises the issue of a major event in midtown Manhattan, with its crowded streets clogged even more by Trump demonstrators, especially by those who in the past have been violent to extremes.
   Remember January 6? That's the basis for the federal investigation, which is attempting to fix blame for that day's riot on Trump, citing what he said to his followers well before the day of the riot.
   Whether demonstrations in New York become violent is the question bothering officials, even as Trump supporters insist on people's right to show support in public gatherings.
   They admit there have been problems in the past, even as they say there won't be any on Tuesday,
   What partisan leaders say, however, is often different from what followers do. But it can be established that political leaders say one thing even as they know that their followers will hear a different message.
   That's called interpretation, and leaders rely on it as a way to deny fault for any negative results.
   And that is what's known as a copout.

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