Sunday, March 19, 2023

Talk Is Cheap

"King, eh? I didn't vote for him." -- Monty Python

   Sunday morning talk shows are just that.
   This week, the airwaves were full of chatter about Donald Trump's posting that he was being subpoenaed by a Manhattan prosecutor as a way of getting him to talk to a grand jury.
   But neither the prosecutor's office nor Trump's own  representatives would confirm that a subpoena would be or had been given, or even that one was planned.
   So why all the fuss?
   Two possible reasons:
   First, the potential reality that he was being called officially for a grand jury appearance.
   Second, that he was using this as a fund raiser.
   And this suggests  something that is basic to many things he has done in the past to raise money for whatever cause on his mind at the time. Or for himself. Same thing.
   Another demonstration of greed.
   Whether he is indeed called to talk to investigators about the relationship is not an issue. He was invited, but declined the invitation. The next step would be, of course, a subpoena.
   Not a surprise.
   The difference, of course, is that of a subpoena being issued to a president. This is unusual, but not illegal or unconstitutional.
   A president, present or former, is a citizen and subject to law.
   He is not a king, much as he might want to be one.

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