Friday, March 24, 2023


   Mendacity has long been widespread among politicians, but courtesy prevented news media from emphasizing that reality lest it detract from focusing on issues.
   But when a government official becomes so mendacious so often about so many things, it becomes appropriate to switch from polysyllabic Latin-derived terminology to short, plain English.
   With that in mind, the term "mendacious personality" is no longer applied and is replaced by the single word "liar."
   Time was, that word was not used in broadcasting or in print news media. But when a politician is so blatant, so often and so uncaring -- if not unaware -- about falsehoods, coupled with regular personal attacks and insults on journalists, they have an alternative: They will continue to report accurately and concisely just what the politician says and does.
   Journalists are always selective in the quotes they use, usually as a way to convey the politician's message in a fair and accurate manner. But even when personal attacks are common, journalists will continue to report accurately what the politician says.
   Be careful what you wish for.
   You may get it.

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